Read more about the article German fishermen slam EU Commission’s Baltic cod measures
Fishermen in Germany have criticised both the Eastern Baltic cod fishery closure and the process behind the decision

German fishermen slam EU Commission’s Baltic cod measures

Fishermen in Germany are furious at the Eastern Baltic cod fishery closure until the end of the year, and their associations, under Deutscher Fischerei-Verband, have sharply criticised both the decision…

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Read more about the article East Baltic fishermen risk becoming an endangered species
There is a real risk that by closing down the Eastern Baltic cod fishery, the region’s fishermen become the endangered species. Image: Europêche

East Baltic fishermen risk becoming an endangered species

Europêche has hit back to the at the European Commission’s decision for an immediate closure of the eastern Baltic cod fishery. According to European industry body Europêche, the Commission has…

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