Read more about the article Quality pays off
Vónin has developed its own roller clumps. Image: Vónin

Quality pays off

Vónin has seen quite some growth in the Barents Sea fleet that trusts its shrimp gear to deliver the right results. While the company has a long-established reputation for shrimp…

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Read more about the article Gothenburg auction takes a cautious approach
‘We eat a lot of shrimps in Sweden,’ said Gothenburg Fish Auction managing director Roger Thilander. Image: Göteborgs Fiskauktion

Gothenburg auction takes a cautious approach

Prices are down by 15-20% at the Gothenburg auction in Sweden, where business continues as usual – with precautions. According to the auction’s managing director Roger Thilander, nothing has changed…

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Read more about the article Head-on grader breaks new ground for Gulf shrimpers
A new head-on shrimp grader designed by Kerian Machines will allow fishermen to place head-on shrimp on the market at a premium price. Image: Ed Lallo/Lallo Photography

Head-on grader breaks new ground for Gulf shrimpers

Sitting on the frozen plains of North Dakota 50 miles from the Canadian boarder, a family-owned business has been enlisted by Gulf of Mexico fishermen to develop a new method…

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