Read more about the article Havyard signs wellboat contract with Norsk Fisketransport
NFT market and R&D manager Dagfinn Eliassen, Havyard CEO Geir Johan Bakke and NFT CEO Oddleif Wigdahl shake on the contract for three new wellboats. Image: Havyard

Havyard signs wellboat contract with Norsk Fisketransport

Havyard has signed a contract worth more than NoK1 billion with Norsk Fisketransport (NFT) for a further two wellboats plus an option for one additional vessel. These will be newbuilds…

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Read more about the article Valka unveils Water-Jet Cutter for pre-rigor salmon at SPG in Brussels
Icelandic high-tech company Valka is moving beyond whitefish processing to take its X-ray and 3D imaging technology to the salmon industry. Image: Valka

Valka unveils Water-Jet Cutter for pre-rigor salmon at SPG in Brussels

At this year’s Seafood Processing Global in Brussels, Icelandic high-tech company Valka will debut a new version of their water-jet cutter, specifically designed to cut and remove pin bones from…

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