Read more about the article Fishermen’s organisations slam North Sea cod decision
European fishermen’s organisations have banded together to question the hugely disappointing outcome on North Sea cod

Fishermen’s organisations slam North Sea cod decision

European fishermen’s organisations have banded together to brand the decision to drastically reduce the 2020 North Sea cod TAC as a truly disappointing outcome, predicting this to be disastrous for…

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Read more about the article Europêche: Fishing industry losing grounds
Europêche warns that the expansion of windfarms is putting the marine environment and fish as a key food source at significant risk. Image: ©Frans Lemmens via Hollandse Hoogte

Europêche: Fishing industry losing grounds

With governments and emerging industries increasingly looking to the seas as sources of minerals and energy, the result is that the competition for maritime space is becoming increasingly tough. One…

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