Read more about the article RFC secures quotas for new vessels and shore plant
The agreements were signed by RFC CEO Fedor Kirsanov and Ilya Shestakov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and head of the Fedeal Agency for Fisheries. Image: RFC

RFC secures quotas for new vessels and shore plant

During the recent Eastern Economic Forum, the Russian Fishery Company (RFC) and Russia’s Federal Agency for Fishery (Rosrybolovstvo) signed an agreement securing the company a share of quotas for the…

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Read more about the article Tersan’s 100th newbuild goes to Ervik Havfiske
Dette er værftets sjette nybygning til det norske rederi, hvor også rederiets fjerde og den femte nybygning i øjeblikket er under bygning til levering senere i år. Foto: Marin Teknikk

Tersan’s 100th newbuild goes to Ervik Havfiske

  • Post category:Newbuild

The Tersan Shipyard in at Yalova in Turkey has signed a contract with Norwegian fishing company Ervik Havfiske to build a new 60 metre longliner, designed by Marin Teknikk. This…

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Read more about the article Europêche defends sustainable fisheries subsidies at WTO
Europêche took an active part in a high-level event focusing on trade, climate change and ocean economy in Geneva this week, defending sustainable fisheries subsidies. Image: Europêche

Europêche defends sustainable fisheries subsidies at WTO

European fishing industry body Europêche is giving its full support to an ambitious multilateral agreement with the aim of abolishing damaging fishery subsidies – stating that public aid needs to…

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Read more about the article Krill survey conclusion: 72 million tonne Antarctic krill stock
Researchers on board Kronprins Haakon examning samples from a haul of krill in the Southern Ocean. Image: Oda Linnea Brekke Iden/HI

Krill survey conclusion: 72 million tonne Antarctic krill stock

In January this year Norwegian research vessel Kronprins Haakon sailed from Punta Arenas as part of a fleet of six vessels participating in a research effort to measure stocks of…

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