Read more about the article Higher temperatures – less Atlanto-Scandian herring
Higher sea temperatures mean lower recruitment of Atlanto-Scandian herring. Image: Erlend Astad Lorentzen/Havforskningsinstituttet

Higher temperatures – less Atlanto-Scandian herring

Warmer seas lead to less feed available for herring larvae, according to Reidar Torsen, a marine scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, who states that since the turn…

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Read more about the article Scottish associations pressure ministers to solve trade issues
Scottish associations are concerned that trade issues remain still to be solved, with Brexit only a few weeks away. Image: SFF

Scottish associations pressure ministers to solve trade issues

The Scottish fishing industry has united to press ministers to maximise the opportunities for the UK outside the Common Fisheries Policy, including the rapid adoption of solutions to major practical…

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Read more about the article MMO’s positive approach on Landings Obligation welcomed
Monkfish tails, such as these landed by Waterdance’s beamer Barentszee, now have to be landed irrespective of size under the Landings Obligation. Image: Waterdance

MMO’s positive approach on Landings Obligation welcomed

Brixham’s largest beam trawler operator, Waterdance Ltd has invested time and resources in examining the implications of the Landings Obligation on its fleet – and has identified small grades of…

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Read more about the article MSC says no to reinstating mackerel certificates – despite healthy stock
The MSC has declined to reinstate mackerel certification, citing lack of agreement and a lack of long-term management as the key reasons for its decision

MSC says no to reinstating mackerel certificates – despite healthy stock

The MSC has stated that it will not be reinstating certificates for North East Atlantic mackerel, even though the the latest scientific advice indicates a healthy stock. According to the…

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