Mediterranean and Canary fishermen demand quota justice

The Association in Defence of Mediterranean Artisanal Fisheries (ADPAM), the Regional Federation of Canary Island Fishing Cofradias, the Gaia Oceans Association, the Tarragona Fishing Cofradia and the Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) met in Tarragona last weekend to agree on the next steps of their campaign, following the Castellón meeting that took place in May. They affirmed that they will now focus on getting their voices heard in Madrid, to call for the injustices of recent years to be ended.

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CFTO becomes part of P&P

The acquisition of French tuna operator Compagnie Française du Thon Océanique (CFTO) by Dutch fisheries group Parlevliet en van der Plas (P&P) was finalised yesterday with the formal change of ownership dated 1st July, following a process of negotiation and pre-auditing since the agreement to negotiate a sale was announced in May.

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