ISSF’s Skipper’s Workshops

The Spanish tuna fishing fleet remains one of the most receptive and active worldwide in adopting International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) best practices for mitigating by-catches, a commitment reflected in the Spanish fleet’s high attendance at these workshops each year and as stated in an ISSF Technical Report.

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OPAGAC announces global standard for tuna fishing at Our Ocean conference

The Organisation of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Freezers (OPAGAC) has announced that it will develop a global standard to guarantee responsible fishing and the sustainability of the tropical tuna fishery. The organisation has launched this commitment during the Our Ocean conference, held this week in Malta, and pointed out that the standard will integrate both environmental and social sustainability, two inseparable pillars of ensuring the future of this resource on a global scale.

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Tuna sustainability and IUU

Sustainability and the fight against IUU fishing are today’s buzzwords, in distant waters such as as Equatorial Guinea, the Cook Islands and the Seychelles, where the Spanish tuna fleet operates, keeping track of vessel activity in real time has been boosted. The Organisation of Associated Producers of Large Freezer Tuna Vessels (OPAGAC) in conjunction with Satlink, recently presented the technology used on board their vessels at the headquarters of the Permanent Representation of Spain (REPER) in Brussels.

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Smooth bluefin season

The Bluefin tuna fishing season in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea and in the Adriatic Sea came to a close at 0800 on the 21st June for purse seiners, three days before the official closure on 24th June, after the season had been open since 26th May. Catch limits for bluefin tuna season were increased in 2017, as the stock showed continued signs of recovery.

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