LIFE congratulates MEPs

Following the overwhelming vote in the European Parliament to ban the use of electric pulse beam trawling, LIFE’s Executive Director, Jerry Percy stated that ‘it is so important to reiterate yet again that our resistance to the use of electric pulse fishing was not based on ‘fake news,’ jealousy between fishermen or NGO dogma.’

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Environment lobby applies pressure on pulse fishing

The anti-pulse trawl lobby peaked this week in Brussels with a campaign ahead of the crucial vote on a new regulation for the conservation of fishery resources that will take place on 16 January 2018. Europêche, which represents European fishing associations, believes that this is the umpteenth attempt to demonise an innovative fishing method.

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Restoring Gulf of Mexico tuna and swordfish

A small group of pelagic longline fishing vessel owners will take a six-month voluntary break, but will continue to fish with alternative gear, improving populations and supporting supply chains as NOAA and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation kicked off 2018 with the second round of the Oceanic Fish Restoration Project.

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A better balance – but choke species remain a key issue

According to Europêche, ministers adopted a better-balanced Regulation in light of the socio-economic data provided by Member States at this year’s December Council following a highly conservationist set of proposals for 2018. Some stocks are subject to top-ups to adapt to the forthcoming landing obligation, but this does not solve the problems of choke species in mixed fisheries.

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