Tohoku’s Sea of Change

As the seventh anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the coast of Japan on 11th March 2011 approaches, a group of fishermen has been working to revive one of Tohoku's key industries. The most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan resulted in gigantic tsunami waves that tore coastal towns and villages apart, carrying ships inland and washing debris out to sea.

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EU fishing sector determined to preserve and strengthen partnership with Morocco

The announcement yesterday by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that the fisheries agreement concluded between the EU and Morocco is not applicable to Western Sahara and to its adjacent waters has come as a blow to European operators, as around 94% of the catches under the agreement take place in those waters, According to Europêche, this decision disregards the importance of the agreement for the fisheries sector.

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Fishermen satisfied with Sweden’s new management

Switching the old system of weekly catch allowances for whole-year quotas has opened up a whole new world for Swedish fishermen, according to SFPO chairman Peter Olsson. He also commented that the trawler fleet is under assault from Sweden’s Greens, as green NGOs strive to out-do each other in demonstrating their green values in the run-up to elections later this year.

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Weighing up the benefits of EU-Morocco fisheries agreement

The Joint EU-Morocco Commission of Fishing Professionals, which formalised its constitution last Friday in Dakhla (Morocco), has warned of the negative socio-economic impacts for both parties of an unfavourable decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in relation to the current fishing protocol between the EU and Morocco.

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