There are six pelagic vessels now searching for pearlside in the Grindavík Deeps and according to Ingunn AK’s skipper Gudlaugur Jónsson, there isn’t much happening there. Ingunn began fishing last Saturday and catches have been from 100 to 200 tonnes per day.
‘It’s been extremely quiet. We had 100 tonnes on Saturday, 200 tonnes on Sunday and 140 tonnes on Monday,’ Gudlaugur Jónsson said and commented that pearlside are only catchable during daylight. They tend to shoot the gear at around eight or nine in the morning and tow right through to five or six in the evening.
As well as Ingunn, Westmann Islands boats Huginn VE, Sighvatur Bjarnason VE and Kap VE are all on the same grounds along with Hoffell SU and Bjarni Ólafsson AK. The fishing grounds are 30 to 40 nautical miles offshore.