The media report states that Hjaltland Hatcheries Ltd, a subsidiary of Hjaltland Seafarms Ltd, will receive the money towards a £3.7 million redevelopment at the site, which it is hoped will result in the first production of smolts by 2013. The council has approved the grant of £314,735 to allow the company to secure further funding from the European Fisheries Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Commenting on this Hjaltland said that when fully operational the hatchery will produce around three million smolts a year, meeting around 50 percent of its demand, and result in improved traceability, better quality control and stability of supply. Michael Stark, Managing director of Hjaltland Seafarms Ltd, said the company is very much thankful to Shetland Islands Council for its support for this project.
He added that refurbishing and upgrading the hatchery is an important development, strengthening our operation, creating seven new and securing the existing 185 to 198 jobs. He also told that this provides the final link in the chain for the complete vertical integration of our business from inception to finished product on supermarket shelves.
Josie Simpson, chairman of the development committee, said that this project will allow the Hjaltland Group to grow its Shetland based company which will positively impact on the Shetland economy. In addition this grant will lever in significant funds from other sources to enable the project to go ahead.
The council’s development committee has approved the money to allow the firm to introduce the latest mussel production technology and harvesting systems following an upgrade of its processing factory at Walls.