Marine industry pioneer Bruce H. Blakey (1932-2022)
Bruce H. Blakey, founder of Wesmar (Western Marine Electronics) Seattle,
Bruce H. Blakey, founder of Wesmar (Western Marine Electronics) Seattle,
Approximately $50 million in grants to support seafood processors, processing
Market squid have multiplied off the US west coast over
Over the last twenty years, NOAA Fisheries has adopted catch
Spanish technology company Satlink has been authorised by the National
The 40th Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America will take
NOAA Fisheries has released a report analysing the effects of
In August 2021 Hurricane Ida blasted ashore along the Louisiana coast,
One of the crew of fishing vessel Moon Glow was
Kodiak fisherman James Aaron Stevens was sentenced earlier this month to a
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