Read more about the article RFC newbuilds and shore plant get green light
The Russian Fishing Company has approval for four more ST-192 trawlers under the Investment Quotas Programme. Image: RFC

RFC newbuilds and shore plant get green light

Russian authorities have approved applications from the Russian Fishery Company to build four fishing vessels and a shore-based processing plant in the Northern region. The company plans to take up…

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Read more about the article Promoting sustainable fisheries and decent work in Italy
Fishing vessels arriving at Fiumicino, Italy, where the fishermen will offload the day’s catch. ©FAO/Napolitano

Promoting sustainable fisheries and decent work in Italy

Organised in Rome by one of the Italian fish workers’ unions, UILA pesca, and with the support of Italy’s Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and Tourism, a conference…

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Read more about the article Irish minister welcomes plans for managing fisheries in No-Deal Brexit
The EU Commission has issued a Brexit Contingency Plan, agreed with affected Member States, setting out how fisheries would be managed in a No Deal Brexit

Irish minister welcomes plans for managing fisheries in No-Deal Brexit

The EU Commission has issued a Brexit Contingency Plan, agreed with Ireland and seven other affected Member States, which sets out how fisheries would be managed in a No Deal…

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Read more about the article Dutch fleet takes stock after pulse ban vote
Europe’s fishermen need to work together, with more understanding for each other, says EMK’s Job Schot. Image: EMK

Dutch fleet takes stock after pulse ban vote

A #ZwarteDinsdag (#BlackTuesday) hashtag has begun to make an appearance following last week’s vote in the European Parliament to include a ban on pulse fishing with the new Technical Measures…

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