Read more about the article EU signs fishing agreement protocol with Senegal
The EU and Senegal have agreed to extend their longstanding fisheries partnership. Image: Marga Timon

EU signs fishing agreement protocol with Senegal

The EU and Senegal have signed a new implementing protocol to the existing sustainable fisheries partnership agreement, extending a long-standing fisheries partnership that goes back to 1980. The new five-year…

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Read more about the article French artisanal bluefin tuna fishery gets sustainability label
Sète fishing co-operative Sathoan has been awarded a Pêche Durable sustainability award for 15 boats fishing for bluefin tuna. Image: Stéphane Jacquot /

French artisanal bluefin tuna fishery gets sustainability label

The award of the Pêche Durable sustainability label to the bluefin fishery pursued by a group of fishermen from Sète is a first and is the culmination of a long…

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Read more about the article German fishermen slam EU Commission’s Baltic cod measures
Fishermen in Germany have criticised both the Eastern Baltic cod fishery closure and the process behind the decision

German fishermen slam EU Commission’s Baltic cod measures

Fishermen in Germany are furious at the Eastern Baltic cod fishery closure until the end of the year, and their associations, under Deutscher Fischerei-Verband, have sharply criticised both the decision…

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Read more about the article An electric future
Moen Marine’s first electric newbuild for the aquaculture sector will be on display at Aqua-Nor. Image: Moen Marine

An electric future

Having already delivered hybrid fishing vessel Angelsen Senior earlier this year, Norwegian yard Moen Marine is set to build an all-electric aquaculture support vessel for a Norwegian customer. The 13.50…

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Read more about the article Positive talks with the new European Parliament
A positive first meeting has taken place between Europêche, DG MARE and the newly elected chair of the European Parliament Committee

Positive talks with the new European Parliament

Industry representatives from across Europe showed a united front in highlighting the important role played by all fleets, both small and large, in providing healthy food to the consumers and…

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Read more about the article Operation Ghost recovers traps and rope from the Gulf of St. Lawrence
More than a hundred lost traps and nine kilometres of pot rope were recovered during the three-day Operation Ghost. Image: Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Operation Ghost recovers traps and rope from the Gulf of St. Lawrence

As part of the Canadian government’s on-going efforts to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whale, DFO fishery officers and members of the Canadian Coast Guard spent three days searching…

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Read more about the article Baie de Seine Scallops Wars ruled out for this year
A return to the ScallopWars that broke out last year between UK and French fishermen has been averted as an Accord for 2019 has been agreed

Baie de Seine Scallops Wars ruled out for this year

An Anglo-French deal has been struck for 2019, with compromise on both sides resulting in an agreement that rules out conflicts over scallop fisheries in the Baie de Seine this…

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Read more about the article INTERPOL supports apprehension of suspected IUU vessel
Nika was tracked by INTERPOL until it was apprehended in Indonesia. Image: Indonesia Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

INTERPOL supports apprehension of suspected IUU vessel

A vessel suspected of illegal fishing has been detained in Indonesia with support from INTERPOL and its global network. Nika, suspected of conducting illegal fishing in the Southern Ocean and…

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