Read more about the article EU and Guinea Bissau sign sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol
The EU and Guinea Bissau have signed a sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol. Image: FAO

EU and Guinea Bissau sign sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol

The EU and Guinea Bissau have this month signed a new five-year protocol to the existing Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreement (SFPA). According to the European Commission, this new protocol fully…

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Read more about the article Scientists recommend reduced Barents Sea cod quota – but increases for haddock and saithe
The recommendation is for reduced Barents Sea quotas for cod, but increased for saithe and haddock

Scientists recommend reduced Barents Sea cod quota – but increases for haddock and saithe

ICES has recommended that the 2020 Barents Sea cod quota should be cut by 35,000 tonnes compared to this year’s quota – while taking it as read that haddock and…

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Read more about the article Shetland fishermen back Drive to Combat Heart Disease
Heart Research UK chief executive Barbara Harpham and Sheila Keith of Shetland Fishermen's Association. Image: SFA

Shetland fishermen back Drive to Combat Heart Disease

  • Post category:News

Fishermen in Shetland are supporting a new initiative to raise funds for the battle against heart disease. The Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA) and the Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association (SWFPA)…

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Read more about the article New trawler for Strandby
New Strandby trawler Jeanne is the result of a collaboration between consultancy ShipCon, the Jobi Værft shipyard and the new boat’s owners

New trawler for Strandby

Jobi Værft in Strandby delivered the new Jeanne FN-462, the latest Danish trawler built to work on langoustine and whitefish on the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat. Jeanne is owned…

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Read more about the article Seventh legal win for Rimfrost against Aker BioMarine
‘It looks as if Aker is hoping to wear out its competitors in court,’ said Stig Remøy, the main shareholder in Fosnavåg krill company Rimfrost. Image: Rimfrost

Seventh legal win for Rimfrost against Aker BioMarine

  • Post category:Seafood

The US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) has found for krill oil specialist Rimfrost AS on all counts in another case against Aker Biomarine – making this the seventh legal…

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