Read more about the article Fisheries APPG highlights need for joined-up action on seafood careers
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Fisheries focused in its latest meeting on the challenges of recruitment to the seafood industry

Fisheries APPG highlights need for joined-up action on seafood careers

Parliamentarians and representatives from a range of seafood industries came together to discuss issues affecting recruitment into seafood careers in Westminster on Wednesday 12 June. The event was the second…

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Read more about the article Top salmon producer opts for latest innovation in cage cleaning technology
Mowi in Ireland have opted for cage cleaning technology provided by Norwegian firm MPI (Multi Pump Innovation, using the Racemaster remotely-controlled robot with pressurised water jets to clean marine growth from salmon cages

Top salmon producer opts for latest innovation in cage cleaning technology

In Ireland MOWI has continued in the development project that began in 1979 in Fanad Fisheries in Donegal and has now expanded to include additional sites in Donegal (Lough Swilly,…

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Read more about the article EU and Guinea Bissau sign sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol
The EU and Guinea Bissau have signed a sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol. Image: FAO

EU and Guinea Bissau sign sustainable fishing partnership agreement protocol

The EU and Guinea Bissau have this month signed a new five-year protocol to the existing Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreement (SFPA). According to the European Commission, this new protocol fully…

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Read more about the article Scientists recommend reduced Barents Sea cod quota – but increases for haddock and saithe
The recommendation is for reduced Barents Sea quotas for cod, but increased for saithe and haddock

Scientists recommend reduced Barents Sea cod quota – but increases for haddock and saithe

ICES has recommended that the 2020 Barents Sea cod quota should be cut by 35,000 tonnes compared to this year’s quota – while taking it as read that haddock and…

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Read more about the article Shetland fishermen back Drive to Combat Heart Disease
Heart Research UK chief executive Barbara Harpham and Sheila Keith of Shetland Fishermen's Association. Image: SFA

Shetland fishermen back Drive to Combat Heart Disease

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Fishermen in Shetland are supporting a new initiative to raise funds for the battle against heart disease. The Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA) and the Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association (SWFPA)…

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