The press communiqué of Fisheries Minister Norman Moore states that commercial rock lobster operators will now be able to fish on weekends during the last two months of the current season. Moore said that at the beginning it was announced during the transition to the quota management system that commercial operators would be able to fish up to the end of August, but weekend fishing would still be prohibited.
He added that recent consultation through the WA Fishing Industry Council and the Western Rock Lobster Council showed strong interest from fishers to lift the ban on weekend fishing and increase options as the season drew to a close. He told as fishers progress towards a full quota system, it gives fishers flexibility and choice to work to suit their business plans.
He informed that the decision was tough to take but it was possible due to the greater flexibility that a quota system provides without having negative effects on sustainability. The change to allow fishing on any day of the week will require formal gazettal, which the Minister expects to be completed in time for the ban to be lifted for the June 25-26 weekend.
The move to a quota system this season was designed to provide more opportunity for the industry to deal with supply and demand issues while maximising economic return. Moore said the western rock lobster fishery only started weekend closures during the 2008-09 season. These were implemented to support effort restrictions, but were no longer required for that purpose.