Bottom trawling is definitely a dangerous style of fishing that involves dragging a net along the seabed behind a boat and that causes extensive damage. These images has been captured by satellite, informed a Hawaii scientist. Les Watling, a professor of zoology at the University of Hawaii, say there is a massive amount of mud that gets kicked up.
He added that the trawling is not a problem in the deep waters around Hawaii, since the method is used in waters less than about a mile deep, but areas where it is used sustain a significant loss of marine life. According to Elliot Norse, president of Marine Conservation Biology Institute, trawling does more harm to the sea floor than any other style of fishing. The satellite images proved that how much sediment it lofts into the water column, told Norse.
It is fact that trawling equipment can be about 150 feet across and weigh half a ton. During the process the trawling nets leave nothing but rubble, killing sponges and coral on the sea floor. Bottom trawling is used to catch shrimp and other bottom fish such as cod. Norse said that the effect pf trawling is basically to denude the sea floor.