Read more about the article New green Gitte Henning
The new Gitte Henning will be the greenest possible fishing vessel, built at Zamakona in Bilbao

New green Gitte Henning

  • Post category:Newbuild

Danish fishing company Gitte Henning is leading the way in bringing fishing into a new, green age by contracting to build an environmentally-friendly new pelagic fishing vessel at the Zamakona…

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Read more about the article Scottish mackerel group demands action on sustainability
Scottish mackerel fishermen and processors have slammed Iceland, Greenland and Russia for setting unilatereral mackerel quotas

Scottish mackerel group demands action on sustainability

The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) is calling for swift international action to protect the north-east Atlantic mackerel stock from what Scottish catchers and processors describe as ‘unilateral and unsustainable…

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Read more about the article Síldarvinnslan’s strong mackerel and herring season
Síldarvinnslan’s pelagic vessel Beitir is now searching for Icelandic summer-spawning herring. Image: Síldarvinnslan/Hákon Ernuson

Síldarvinnslan’s strong mackerel and herring season

  • Post category:Fishing

With both mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian herring seasons over, Síldarvinnslan’s pelagic vessel Beitir is now on the lookout for Icelandic summer-spawning herring. This year Síldarvinnslan’s fleet has quotas for 4000 tonnes…

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Read more about the article New agreements for Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting
Agreement has been reached on Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting TACs for next year – but not on how to divide quotas between the coastal states

New agreements for Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting

Norway, Russia, the EU, the Faroe Islands and Iceland have agreed on 2020 TACs for Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting – but have yet to reach agreement on how quota…

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