Read more about the article Western Australia pulls a world first with MSC-certified sustainable sea cucumber fishery
WA sea cucumbers are a highly sought-after soft-bodies species, in demand across Asia. Image: WAFIC

Western Australia pulls a world first with MSC-certified sustainable sea cucumber fishery

In another first for West Australian sustainable fisheries, the sea cucumber fishery has reached a milestone by achieving the certification of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) global standard for being…

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Read more about the article MSC re-assessment underway in Cape Town
Giuseppe Scarcella, Jim Andrews and Johanna Pierre will scrutinise every aspect of the management of the hake deep-sea trawl fishery and assess it against the MSC standard. Image: SADSTIA

MSC re-assessment underway in Cape Town

The South African hake fishery was one of the first fisheries in the world to be certified as sustainable and well-managed by the Marine Stewardship Council, and it remains the…

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Read more about the article MSC certifies Western Australia’s octopus fishery
MSC certification has been awarded to Western Australia’s octopus fishery. Image: MSC

MSC certifies Western Australia’s octopus fishery

The certification of Western Australia’s octopus fishery has added to a steadily growing list as this brings WA’s total to nine certified fisheries, including South Sea pearl, abalone, western rock…

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Read more about the article Largest multi-national fishery in the North Sea area gets MSC certificate
This single MSC certification for the Joint Demersal Fisheries brings together ten individual certifications

Largest multi-national fishery in the North Sea area gets MSC certificate

The Joint Demersal Fisheries, a collaboration of large and small-scale fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, meet the rigorous requirements for sustainable fishing set by the Marine Stewardship…

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Read more about the article Korean first: Dongwon achieves MSC certification
Dongwon’s tropical Pacific yellowfin and skipjack free school purse seine fishery is a first for South Korea. Image: Dongwon Industries

Korean first: Dongwon achieves MSC certification

The first South Korean-owned fishery has achieved certification to the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) international standard for sustainable fishing as Dongwon’s tropical Pacific yellowfin and skipjack free school purse seine…

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Read more about the article Fishing must adapt to climate change impacts, says MSC
The changing state of the North-East Atlantic mackerel stock is seen as an example of how climate change is already affecting fisheries

Fishing must adapt to climate change impacts, says MSC

The Marine Stewardship Council has responded to the IPCC report on the Ocean and Cryosphere with a stark warning that fishing industries and governments need to urgently step up co-operation…

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Read more about the article MSC says no to reinstating mackerel certificates – despite healthy stock
The MSC has declined to reinstate mackerel certification, citing lack of agreement and a lack of long-term management as the key reasons for its decision

MSC says no to reinstating mackerel certificates – despite healthy stock

The MSC has stated that it will not be reinstating certificates for North East Atlantic mackerel, even though the the latest scientific advice indicates a healthy stock. According to the…

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Read more about the article Flawed MSC standard, say pelagic associations
MINSA member associations state that the mackerel stock is in good condition, and the MSC certificate suspension could have been avoided

Flawed MSC standard, say pelagic associations

The Mackerel Industry Northern Sustainability Alliance (MINSA) members have issued a fact sheet and opinion on the events leading up to the suspension of MSC certification for mackerel, stating that…

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