Read more about the article Highlighting human rights shortfalls in tuna supply chain
OPAGAC has contrasted the enthusiasm of supermarket chains for environmental labels with the lack of provision for identifying breaches of human rights. Image: OPAGAC

Highlighting human rights shortfalls in tuna supply chain

According to a study by Deloitte, carried out on behalf of a Spanish tuna industry group, the major corporate suppliers of Western Pacific canned tuna for European supermarkets are lax…

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Read more about the article Taiwan investigates Greenpeace allegations
Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency is following up claims of illegal activity in the distant water fleet made by Greenpeace. Image: Greenpeace

Taiwan investigates Greenpeace allegations

The Fisheries Agency of Taiwan has stated that it will impose sanctions if allegations made by Greenpeace concerning forced labour and illegal fishing in the Taiwanese distant water fleet are…

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Read more about the article Anglo-North Irish Fisheries Human Rights Audits & Response published
Human Rights at Sea has published the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) voluntary annual human rights and business audits

Anglo-North Irish Fisheries Human Rights Audits & Response published

Human Rights at Sea has published the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) voluntary annual human rights and business audits undertaken by Human Rights at Sea International Ltd (HRASi), the…

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Fishermen’s welfare and human rights report for Ascension Island EEZ

  • Post category:Politics

Human Rights at Sea has published a commissioned report undertaken by the charity’s not-for-profit trading consultancy Human Rights at Sea International Ltd, which is a comparative independent assessment of the potential risks to the welfare and human rights of fishermen operating within the Ascension Island Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on board foreign flagged tuna longline vessels.

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Blue Hope initiative launched in Algeria, Tunisia and Turkey

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A new technical co-operation project aims at developing investment strategies for fishing communities affected by migration. Fisheries communities in the Mediterranean face various pressures, including limitations in fisheries governance, climate change and urban development, often exacerbated by poverty. Migration in the Mediterranean region has sharply increased in recent years, particularly among communities facing high levels of unemployment.

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Human Rights at Sea issues report on non-EEA crew from the Philippines

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Human Rights at Sea has published a new case study exploring the issue of Philippine manning agencies supplying Non-EEA crew to the UK fishing industry and the issues this raises in terms of transparency of practice, due diligence to assure welfare safeguards for crew, and the necessary safeguards required to ensure decent work conditions.

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Human Rights at Sea and Stop Illegal Fishing collaborate to raise awareness of human rights in fishi

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UK-based Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) and the Botswana-based NGO Stop Illegal Fishing (SIF) have entered into a mutually supporting collaborative partnership to continue to maintain and raise the global narrative on illegal fishing activities which include promoting human rights protections against abuses of crew.

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Thai Union support for Bali Process recommendations on modern slavery and human trafficking

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Thai Union Group participated in the second annual Bali Process Government and Business Forum held in line with the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime, co-chaired by Indonesia and Australia on 6-7 August 2018 in Bali.

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