Read more about the article Crewmen from Chinese vessel repatriated, MSC certification withdrawn
Exploited crew of Chinese-owned He Shun 38 have been repatriated and wages paid, while the vessel loses its MSC certification status

Crewmen from Chinese vessel repatriated, MSC certification withdrawn

Following the public highlighting on 16th January by Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) of the case of exploited Indonesian crew of the Chinese-owned, Fijian-flagged He Shun 38 (No.00359), both crewmen are reported…

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Read more about the article Spanish industry supports Indonesia’s complaints to Pacific RFMOs
Spanish fishing industry body CEPESCA supports Indonesia’s stance in pursuing a criminal a criminal investigation into the deaths of crewmen on Chinese fishing vessels

Spanish industry supports Indonesia’s complaints to Pacific RFMOs

The Indonesian government’s condemnation of two longline vessels flying the Chinese flag, which have been accused in recent weeks of serious abuses on board, is supported by the the Spanish…

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Read more about the article Investigation demanded into crew fatalities on Chinese longliner
EJF and APIL are seeking an investigation by the Chinese authorities into crew fatalities and illegal fishing on board longliner Long Xing 629

Investigation demanded into crew fatalities on Chinese longliner

Four Indonesian crewmen are reported to have lost their lives while working on a Chinese fishing vessel, after reportedly being denied medical care. Crewmen interviewed by legal NGO Advocates for…

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