Speaking in Boulogne-sur-Mer earlier this week to fishermen in the Hauts de France region, France’s Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin and Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune presented a €100 million support plan for the fishing industry.
Fishermen and wholesalers will be able to benefit from flat-rate support of up to € 30,000 depending on their dependence on products caught in British waters. This is conditional on a loss of turnover which will be verified at the end of the first quarter.
For fishermen, temporary stoppages will be compensated at 30% of the certified reference turnover. For those not affected by temporary shutdowns during this period, compensation payments may be for partial loss of turnover in the first quarter due to loss of access to UK waters.
For wholesalers, compensation for part of the loss of turnover in the first quarter will be granted if the business is dependent on products caught in British waters.
In addition, there is an extension of long-term partial activity support for employees of companies dependent on British waters, a fleet exit plan for vessels dependent on British waters looking to leave the industry and state aid for restructuring under the job protection plans.
In addition there is a National Employment Fund for training courses lasting 6 to 12 months to validate experience or retraining in the maritime sector, leading to job creation, particularly the maritime sector.