Commercial fishermen wishing to purchase an Atlantic Ocean Striped Bass Commercial Gear Permit to take the advantage of ocean striped bass fishery this winter. It is said that this new permit costs $10 and is available at any N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries license office. Fisherman can also call the division to request a mail-in application.
According to the rule the permit must be obtained before Nov. 1 for fishermen to be eligible to participate in the fishery. Fishermen will be allowed to obtain only one permit per person. It is said that permit will be issued to the person holding the commercial fishing license or license assignment must declare what type of gear he intends to use: gill net, trawl or beach seine. Gear declarations are binding on the permit holder for three consecutive years without regard to subsequent annual permit issuance.
It is fat that North Carolina’s commercial striped bass fishery has a history of being a contentious one with fishermen competing for an annual quota. It has, in the past, resulted in derby-style fishing and early season closures. The authority wanted to institute this permit in the fall of 2008, but the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission delayed the requirement to allow time to research other options for solving conflict issues between fishermen.