Philippines news agency has reported that twenty-nine overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) are now stranded in Oman. They are seeking the assistance of President Arroyo to help them be repatriated and also collect their unpaid salaries for four years from their Taiwanese employer. The report mentioned that the workers were recruited by a Manila-based employment agency to work aboard a Taiwanese fishing vessel but have not received a single centavo in salary since their employment began four years ago.
Imelda Capuchino, whose son Rodel is one of the stranded OFWs from Isabela, informed that the workers staged a strike aboard the fishing vessel, which is based in Oman in the Middle East, to protest the nonpayment of their salaries. She was worried about her son who was also reportedly suffering from a kidney ailment, aside from reportedly being overworked.
She opined that she calls on the government to help my son and his companions get their pay from their employer and come home. We are very worried about their situation. On the other hand Roldel a local station here via long distance call from Oman, said that their labour was very difficult, yet they have not received anything at all for their work. They feared that if they go home, they might lose any claims to their salary.