Now fishing in South Australia region would be difficult as the government decided to bring forth new fishing limits to conserve the stocks. The government introduced new possession limits for recreational fishing. According to Fisheries Minister Michael O’Brien SA community leaders have expressed concern fish stocks are being depleted by people who freeze their daily bag limits and leave the state with commercial quantities.
O’Brien also said that interstate fishermen are coming to South Australia and plundering our stocks because Victoria and New South Wales have possession limits and SA doesn’t. He added that the interstate fishermen are most welcome but it is also important to ensure the sustainability of SA marine environment. Possession limits would restrict the number of fish that people can freeze and transport, and bring South Australia into line with other states.
The authority is busy in working out the inputs from interested parties on how to keep any limits simple so as not impede responsible recreational fishing. The conservation of the stocks of the region is vital issue and thus the new fishing limits would work in that direction.