This would mean weekly landings coming down from the current 272 tonnes to around 155 tonnes, and staying at that level for nine weeks.
The Marine & Fisheries Agency and the other Fisheries Administrations are putting immediate measures in place to try and ensure UK uptake of Area IV cod quota reaches no more than 90 per cent by November 15.
The North Sea cod fishery will be closed to individual vessels which have reached their quota entitlement
The North Sea fishery will then be closed to Producer Organisations as soon as they have reached 85 per cent of their 2009 cod allocation
The North Sea cod fishery will be re-opened to individual vessels after November 15 should sufficient quota allocation remain
The MFA warns unless the slowdown in North Sea cod landings is as achieved gear restrictions will be imposed for the rest of the year.
In addition, the UK would face demands from Norway in current negotiations for further technical controls in 2010.