Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, in a statement said, “We should support the World Conservation Union on illegal fishing by joining in such international condemnation.” He added that the corruption in world fishing trade has damaged the reputation of the fishing industry by illegal practices elsewhere. These corruptions have been rubs off on all the fishermen of the world. He informed that Scotland has its own responsible fleet to the right size, catching to their sustainable quotas.
According to him it takes lot of hard work and pain to reach at this position and nobody wants that their reputation and the markets in which they compete are distorted by corruption in other places. He says, “Scottish fish are the best product available in the market which taken its responsibilities very seriously.”
He added that Scottish fishermen use every measures set by the Marine Stewardship Council under Scottish Fisheries such as gold-standard certification, the Seafish responsible Fishing Scheme, auditable reporting of catches and so on. Armstrong urges the consumer to vote against corruption elsewhere by buying Scottish seafood.