After a rigorous, independent assessment against the MSC standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries Ross Sea fishery was awarded MSC label. The fishery operates within the Ross Sea Ecosystem of the Southern Ocean. All fishing activity is overseen by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and all vessels operating in the area must comply with CCAMLR and individual flag state requirements.
The fishery opened in 1996 and has been managed, from the outset, as an exploratory fishery. The TAC is adjusted annually, and has been in the 3000 tonne range for a number of years. Full capture of the TAC depends on ice conditions each season, and some fishing grounds remain covered in sea ice throughout the year, preventing fishing activities.
Chris Ninnes, MSC Deputy Chief Executive, congratulating the fishery on achieving certification, saying that management of this fishery follows precautionary and ecosystem-based principles. He added that strict harvest control rules, annual stock assessments, mandatory observation of fishing activities and controls on gear to avoid by-catch of seabirds are just some of the practical outcomes of that approach, recognised and rewarded by this certification.