New Zealand seafood industry will respond positively to the government’s Fisheries 2030 plan of action, which was released today, said New Zealand Seafood Industry Council’s Chief Executive, Owen Symmans.
“A strategy that provides a strong framework for the economic development of the seafood sector is what we’ve wanted,” Mr Symmans said. “The seafood industry has significant growth potential that can only be fully realized by working with government to remove barriers and encourage development.”
The Minister of Fisheries’ stated goal for Fisheries 2030 of New Zealanders maximizing benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits would strike a chord with the seafood industry, Mr Symmans said.
“We are keen to play an active role in leading the economic development of our sector and we are equally supportive of ensuring that our commitment to continued effective sustainable utilization remains firm.”
Recent international research indicates the success of New Zealand in effectively managing its fisheries ecologically sustainably, making New Zealand a positive example to the rest of the world, Mr Symmans said.
Minister of Fisheries Phil Heatley released Fisheries 2030, a goal and plan of action for future management of New Zealand’s fisheries earlier today (15 September 2009).