Brenden advised the members of Narroma Chamber Commerce that the NSW Coast was in good shape, numbers of people using the Coast are increasing which will place pressure on the environment. And so the Marine environment faces a number of threats and fish stocks are in trouble. This has led to the depletion of commercial fishing as well as recreational fishing stocks.
Under the Marine Parks Act of 1997 the State and Federal governments and the relevant legislation in NSW has set up the marine parks. Brendan advised how the marine parks benefited the community and minimizes problems. He said that Montague Island is the crown jewel in the Park. He also informed that by removing trawling there has resulted in near immediate increases in flathead and gummy shark numbers.
He states that all areas in the park are starting at a similar place in regards to fish numbers and sanctuary zones have been spaced throughout the park evenly. Brendan told the Chamber that the Batemans Marine Park, based in Narooma, will be linking with National Parks so the bulk of their budget will be spent through town.
Commenting on the commercial fishing ventures in the Park Brendan advised that all commercial ventures will need to be permitted and at the moment the permits are free. He also informed that there will be no changes in fishing licences as they are a Department of Primary Industries issue.