Ribeira concern about blue whiting quota reduction
The owner of fishing trawlers in Ribeira are concerned about drastic reduction in blue whiting quota, says a report.
The owner of fishing trawlers in Ribeira are concerned about drastic reduction in blue whiting quota, says a report.
Spanish tuna vessel opens fire and turns away the Somali pirates in a close encounter off Seychelles.
The Council of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Junta de Andalucia announced a total ban on the capture of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) during a month and a half in the inner waters of the Gulf of Cadiz.
Since the beginning of the bluefin tuna fishing season, Spanish vessels have caught so many and left with 14 percent of the quota now.
Friend of the Sea announces the certification of Skipjack and
The Grupo Regal Spanish hake longline fishery is the first Spanish fishery that enters full assessment for MSC certificate.
Less 100 boats in Asturias received licences to take part in the skipjack tuna fishing season this year.
Seven Seas is facing full-blown battle between fishermen to catch red tuna, mostly prized treasure of the ocean.
Undercover investigation revealed that the use of dynamite in fishing is increasing day by day.
Iridium OpenPort (R) wins rave reviews from Spanish fishing fleets and thus got good installation orders.
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