If we follow such management then we would get thicker tuna and fleshier salmon to eat and fish population also gets a chance to replenish itself as the younger fish mature. Scientists also said that heavily harvested fish species — tuna, sardines, salmon — fluctuate in size more radically than, say, the lungfish. As the fishermen follows aggressive commercial fishing rules these sorts of fluctuations happens that reduces fish populations by almost 90 percent.
The researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography have found that by only harvesting large fish, fisherman creates immature fish populations. They said that these “juvenescent” populations are unstable and often mature early to adapt to their new environments. Worse yet, they’re also apt to undergo quick — and irreversible — genetic adaptations to their new environment.
The researchers said that the grilled, fried or canned acts as a sort of digestus interruptus multiplier. But even though these sardines are putrid, it’s the Master sauce that is the real deal breaker here. Its may be true that the packaging fails to mention that its glutinous sauce is equally sweet. But somehow the taste of big ones is fine and we should eat big fish and spare small ones for better population.