According to the information released by IPHC the following catches and numbers of landings were made in the Alaskan IFQ fishery and in the British Columbian IVQ fishery through April 13, 2010. No Alaskan Community Development Quota (CDQ) landings have been made in 2010. In total Alaska halibut landings were 48,868.7
It is reported that the catch off Alaska represents 12 percent of the 2010 commercial fishery catch limit. For comparison, 2.8 million pounds, or 6 percent of the 2009 catch limit, were landed in the Alaskan fishery by this same date in 2009; however, the opening date of the 2009 fishery occurred 15 days later in the year than that of the 2010 fishery. Thus, during the first 38 days of the 2009 Alaskan commercial halibut fishery, 5.1 million pounds, or 11% of the catch limit, were landed.
The report also states that the catch from British Columbian waters represents 27% of the 2010 commercial fishery catch limit. For comparison, 1.2 million pounds, or 18 percent of the 2009 catch limit, had been landed from Area 2B by this same date in 2009. In 2010, the Pacific Fishery Management Council allocated 253,072 pounds of halibut for commercial use to the Treaty Indian tribes of Area 2A-1. As of April 8, the Treaty tribes have landed a total harvest of 250,438 pounds of halibut in 599 trips. The catch represents 99 percent of the 2010 catch limit.