Recently the Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) has announced to stand firmly behind the Fishing for Litter 2008-2011 project, by encouraging its 24 member vessels to sign up in order to make the seas a better place for wildlife marine species. It is informed that there is a funding condition of this popular and fast-expanding project which asked that measures be taken to include all fishing sectors, and the member bodies of SPSG have unanimously resolved to endorse it.
SPSG Director Derek Duthie opined that the pelagic fleet, which fishes in mid-water, probably collects the least volume of litter of all the sectors. He also told that it is obvious that the removal of every scrap can help in the bid to make the seas cleaner and safer for wildlife.
Duthie also said that the UK pelagic fleet has its strong voice in the industry and they have already signed up to the Seafish Responsible Fishing Scheme, and Fishing for Litter is one of environmental conditions of this. He further informed the new scheme will act as an endorsement of good practice and help to bring a greater understanding of the need to take care of one of UKs’ greatest natural resources.
Joanna Strathdee KIMO UK Chair expressed that they are delighted to have the support of the SPSG and are looking forward to welcoming the pelagic fleet into the scheme. He added that the Fishing for Litter scheme is sponsored by SNH, The Crown Estate, The Scottish Government, Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar/Western Isles Council, Aberdeenshire Council, The Highland Council, Total UK, Peterson SBS, and The Scottish Fishermen’s Trust.