A few of the pair trawler are ashore for their annual refits/painting , so there were only moderate landings at the start of last week, when 6921 boxes of whitefish were landed at Peterhead Fish market, Scotland’s premier fishing port for the first two day markets.
There was firm interest for the low landings, Haddock sold at £142-£171 per 57kg at Peterhead on Monday morning.
On Monday July 19 11 trawlers landed a total 4,561 boxes of whitefish which sold at Cod Large £2.40-£3.20, Medium £2.20-£3, Haddock large £2.50-£3, Medium £2.50-£3. Monkfish £2.80-£3.80, Lemon Sole £1-£4, Coley 90p-£1.10, Megrims £1-00-£4.50, Plaice 60p-£1. And Hake £1.00-£2.
Trawlers landed Shalimar 11, Content, Ocean Harvest, Celestial Dawn, Harvester, Acorn, Aalskere, Sunrise, Rosemount, Kiroan and Acheive.
On the following day Tuesday only 4 trawlers landed a total of 2360 boxes of whitefish which sold for Large Cod £2.40-£3.50, Medium £2.20-£2.80, Haddock large and Medium Not Sold, Whiting £1.40-£1.60, Monkfish £2.50-£3-60, Hake £1-£2.50, Ling £1-£1.50.
On Wednesday of the week 6 boats landed a total of 1393 boxes of whitefish which sold at Cod Large £3.20-£4, Medium £32.50-£3.50, Haddock large £3-£3.30, Monkfish £3.60-£4.30, Coley £1-£1.20, Hake £2, Ling £1.80-£2.70.
Boats landed Fear Not, Shalimar 11, Renown, Karenann, Fruitful Bough and Content.
The following day show better with 11 boats landing a total 5,888 boxes of white fish which sold for Haddock Large £2.50-£3.00, Medium £2.50-£3.00, Cod Large £2.50-£3.50, Medium £2.20-£2.80, Monkfish £3.70-£4.50, Lemon Sole £1-£4.00, Megrims £2.00-£6-60, Plaice £1.00-£2.00, Coley £1.00-£1.10 and ling £1.50-£1.75.
Trawlers landed Daisy, Achieve, Goldian Gain, Summer Dawn, Beryl, Onward, Attain, Castlewood, Benarkle, Harvester and Ocean Harvest.
The last day of the week Friday saw 13 trawlers land a total of 5040 boxes of white fish which sold at Cod large £2.50-£3.50.medium £2.20-£3.00, Haddock large £2.50-£3.00, medium, £2.50-£3.00, whiting £1.30-£1.80, Lemon Sole £1-£4.00, Megrims £2.00-£5.00, Monkfish £2.60-£4.40, plaice 60p-£1.20, Coley 90p-£1.20, Hake £1.00-£2.20 and Ling £1.80-£2.00.
Trawlers landed, Crystal River, Faithful, Acorn, Russia Taign, Budding Rose, Our Lass, Lapwing, Renown, Our Guide, Shalimar, Content, Farnella, and Favonius.
At Peterhead Scotland Premier fishing port 46 trawler landings over the week totalled 19,642 boxes of white fish to the market.
At Ullapool there was a quite week with only one Spanish Liner-netter landing 19 tonnes of whitefish and two Scottish trawlers bringing in 19 tonnes of brown crab. The local fleets was still fishing.
At Buckie Harbour 21 vessels landed 744 boxes of whitefish, prawns and squid plus 232 bags of clams.
At Pittenweem harbour in the East Neuk of Fife (Fife’s main fishing port) Prawns are the most important species landed at the East Neuk of Fife harbour. A recemt report shows that local and visiting trawlers last year (2009) landed catches valued over £3million. And in keeping with their usual seasonal fishing, some of the Pittenweem fleet are fishing for prawns on the West Coast of Scotland.
There is also a small fleet of creel boats, working out of Pittenweem, St Monans and Anstruther harbour in the East Neuk of Fife for lobsters, crabs which are sold daily at Pittenweem harbour.