There are few of white fish trawlers remaining on harbour for the holidays so there was a drop in market sales at the start of the week Monday and Tuesday July 18-19.
The drop in landings resulted in good demand from buyers with fair prices said. Haddock sold at £125-£148 per 57kg box and Whiting sold at £114-£131 per 57kg box.
The first market of the week at Peterhead Fish Market Scotland’s premier fishing port saw 3 trawlers land 2516 boxes of white fish which sold at the following prices Cod Large £2.70-£3.40, Medium £3.00-£3.50, Haddock Large £2.00-£2.75, Medium £2.00-£2.75, No Metros Sold, Whiting £1.60-£2.00, Round Whiting £1.00-£1.60, Lemon Sole £2.50-£6.00, Monkfish sh £3.50-£4.00, Coley £1.20, Megrims £6.00, Plaice ice 90p-£2.00, Witches £1.50-£2.50 and Squid £3.80-£5.70.
Trawlers landed Celestial Dawn, Acorn and Aurelia.
The next day’s market Tuesday saw Seven Trawlers la landed a total of 3814 boxes of whitefish which sold at Large Haddock £2.00-£2.20, Medium £2.00-2.20, Cod Large £2.80-£3.40, Cod Medium £2.70-£3.20, Metros £2.00-£2.20, Whiting £2.00-£2.30, Round Whiting £1.30-£1.90, Lemon Sole £1.60-£5.00, Monkfish £3.00-£4.10, Coley 55p-£1.10, Megrims £3.00-£6.70, Plaice 65p-£1.50, Hake £1.10-£1.70, Witches £1.50-£2.00, Ling £1.50-£1.90, and Squid £2.50-£7.50.
Trawlers Landed Attain, Castlewood, Aalshere, Minerva, Maraceestinsa, Favonius and Pegasus.
On the Wednesday market saw Four boats land a total of 214 boxes of whitefish. There were no Large Cod, No Medium Cod, No Large Haddock no medium haddock, no Whiting, No Coley, No Megrims no ling and no Squid sold at market. Metros £1.75-£2.50, Round Whiting £1.25-£1.60, Lemon Sole £1.50-£6.00, Monkfish £3.50-£4.20, Plaice 75p-£1.40, Hake £1.30-£1.80 and Witches £1.50-£2.50.
Trawlers landed Ocean Harvest, Harvester, Accord and Ocean Trust.
The following day’s market Thursday saw Eight trawlers land a total of 1877 boxes of Whitefish which sold for the following prices. There were No Large Cod, No Medium Cod, No Large Haddock no Medium Haddock, No Coley and no Witches sold at market, Whiting £2.00-£2.80, Round Whiting £1.40-£2.10, Lemon Sole £1.25-£5.00, Monkfish £3.40-£4.00, Megrims £3.00-£6.00, Plaice 80p, Hake £1.30-£1.80, and Squid £6.25-£6.90.
Trawlers landed Atlantic Challenge, Achieve, Lapwing, Budding Rose, Moremma, Deeside, Shalimar and Artemis.
The last market day of the week Friday saw Seven trawlers land and a total of 2490 boxes of whitefish which sold at market for the following prices Large cod £3.50-£4.70, Medium £3.00-£3.80, Haddock Large £2.50-£2.90, Medium £2.50-£2.90, Metros £1.50-£2.00, Whiting £1.80-£2.20, Round Whiting £1.50-£2.00, Lemon Sole £1.25-£6.00, Coley £1.00-£1.45, Monkfish £2.90-£4.40, Megrims £4.00-£6.00, Plaice 70p-£2.00, Witches £1.50-£2.00, Hake £1.30-£2.30, Ling £1.70-£2.00 and Squid £2.50-£7.40.
Trawlers landed Constant Friend, Ocean Reward, Fisher Boys, Crystal Tide, Opportunus, Rosebloom and Boy John.
At Peterhead Harbour there were landings from 29 trawlers over the week for a total of 10,911 boxes.
At Fraserburgh over the week there 89 landings for a weekly total of 3465 boxes of whitefish.
At Buckie Harbour harbour there were nine trawlers landing a total of 425 boxes of whitefish, prawns and squid over the week.
At Pittenweem Harbour Fife the local prawn reported good catches which sold at local market for fair prices. At Pittenweem some of the prawn catches are being sold and sent to Paris.
At Anstruther, St Monans and Crail harbour the local shellfish fishermen are reporting fair catches of lobsters and crabs.
Seven fishermen were rescued last week when their 78ft trawler The Campbeltown-registered Gleaner 11 hit rocks known locally as Sgeir Rathiad in Oban Bay. The seven crew were rescued by the
Oban all-weather RNLI lifeboat. The Gleaner11 was later refloated. Picture by our John Kinsman shiows the Gleaner 11 grounded.on the rocks.