The European Commission recently approved the Operational Programme for the Finnish Fisheries Industry for the period 2007-2013. The total eligible public expenditure of the programme amounts to € 91,848,827 , with EU assistance through the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) amounting to € 39,448,827..
The programme covers the entire territory of Finland which is designated as a whole as a non-convergence region. It also includes support under the EFF for the Åland Islands.
The purpose and aim of the EU investment
During 2000-2006, Finland benefited from EU support under the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) of over € 42 million. As a result over 2,460 projects received support, more than 430 new jobs were created, over 2,400 jobs were maintained, and 54 new companies were created by the end of the year 2006.
The new EU programme for 2007-2013 aims to build on the success of the previous programme and consolidate the preconditions for a viable fisheries and aquaculture sector that respects nature and meets the demands of consumers and the food industry.
Priority axes
Priority 1: Adaptation of the EU fishing fleet
This priority axis aims at promoting profitable and sustainable fisheries in maritime areas. Measures are particularly aimed at facilitating the entry of young fishers into the sector, improving the safety of fishing vessels, the quality of fish, hygiene conditions and the selectivity of fishing gear, and protecting fishing gear from the damage caused by wild predators.
Priority 2: Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products.
The objective of this axis is to promote competitive and profitable business activities in aquaculture, fish processing, fish wholesale trade and inland fishing. Measures are particularly aimed at improving quality and hygiene and at developing and introducing new innovative and environmentally friendly methods. Particular attention is also paid to the development of infrastructure and business activities in inland fishing.
Priority 3: Measures of common interest
This axis supports measures of common interest with a broader scope than measures normally undertaken by private enterprises and which help to meet the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy. This axis also aims to promote the development and piloting of new innovations, their introduction, and the dissemination of good practice.
Priority 4: Sustainable development of fisheries areas
This axis aims at facilitating regional business activities, particularly by developing co-operation and reinforcing cluster-building in the fisheries sector at the initiative of local fisheries groups. Regional development and co-operation projects and actions associated with the diversification of activities, such as fishing tourism, in particular, will be financed under this priority axis.
Priority 5: Technical assistance
Support is provided under this axis to ensure that the management, control and monitoring systems of the operational programme function efficiently and that the programme and aid are implemented in an appropriate manner.
Responsible Authority and contact details
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Fisheries and Game;
Managing Authority for Operational Programme "Operational Programme for the Finnish Fisheries Industry
Acting Director Christian Krogell
Address: P.O. Box 30, FI-00023 Government, Finland
Tel. +358-9-16001
Fax +358-9-1605
Table: Operational Programme for the Finnish Fisheries Industry for the period 2007-2013 – Suomen elinkeinokalatalouden toimintaohjelma 2007-2013, co-funded by EFF
Intervention type: Operational Programme
Financial table
Financing plan by priority axis for the period 2007-2013 (in EUR)
Priority axes |
Total Public |
EFF Contribution |
National Contribution |
Priority axis 1 |
7,985,000 |
3,445,000 |
4,540,000 |
43 % |
Priority axis 2 |
39,520,000 |
16,990,000 |
22,530,000 |
43 % |
Priority axis 3 |
34,473,827 |
14,783,827 |
19,690,000 |
43 % |
Priority axis 4 |
8,412,000 |
3,606,000 |
4,806,000 |
43 % |
Priority axis 5 |
1,458,000 |
624,000 |
834,000 |
43 % |
Total |
91,848,827 |
39,448,827 |
52,400,000 |
43 % |