The two important meetings were the Management Options Consultation to develop FFA positions for the WCPFC meeting and the Special Forum Fisheries Committee to approve these decisions. In the Management Options Consultation countries work cooperatively to draft recommended negotiating positions and proposals for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).
After that these proposals were then brought to the 75th Officials Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) for further discussion and endorsement. FFC outcomes on positions to take to WCPFC at its annual session in December include:
ILLEGAL FISHING: FFC agreed to go for stern measures to check illegal fishing in the state and put penalties strictly for the vessels found fishing illegally in Tongan waters were not adequate, which resulted in Chinese Taipei paying the fine imposed by Tonga).
SOUTH PACIFIC ALBACORE: FFC agreed to propose amendments to the conservation and management measure on South Pacific albacore that would require members to explicitly report against the fishing limits that the measure prescribes.
NORTHERN STRIPED MARLIN: FFC agreed to propose a measure to reduce catch of Northern Striped Marlin, in response to scientific advice that overfishing is occurring.
WHALE SHARKS: FFC agreed to support a proposal to ban purse seine vessels from trying to catch tuna that swims around and under whale sharks. Whale sharks are a vulnerable species and the reduction of incidental deaths will be fundamental to ensuring future sustainability.
FADS: FFC discussed different options for the future management of bigeye tuna including proposals on limitations of fish aggregating devices by purse seine vessels and measures for the longline fishery.
CATCH DOCUMENTATION SCHEME: FFC discussed options for a catch documentation scheme which could verify catch and provide traceability of fish from origin to consumer. FFC endorsed terms of reference and guiding principles for a working group to develop a more detailed proposal for WCPFC consideration.
All these points are to be discussed extensively at the annual session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in Honolulu, Hawaii, US from 6-10 December 2010.