EU’s Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki has met with representatives of the pelagic industry (The Northern Pelagic Working Group of the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations).
Representatives from the pelagic fishing industry was after the meeting very confident that within a month, there will be taken trade sanctions against the Faroe Islands. An almost natural consequence of the Faroes have set quota of herring up to three times more than recommended. Something the Pelagic industry describes as completely irresponsible.
The industry is convinced that the EU trade sanctions will take place, and the Commissions takes one step further and include the Faroese catches of mackerel and salmon in. The last performed with the majority of the Faroe Islands catch of herring and mackerel, just end up as fish food for salmon farming in the Faroe Islands.
Gerard van Balsfoort, president of the Northern Pelagic Working Group says indeed after the meeting, “Today we met a very determined and committed Commissioner, who also looks Faroese quota appreciation, as a direct threat to the workforce in the EU’s fisheries sector. We are especially pleased that the Commissioner also include mackerel in sanctions against Iceland and the Faroes, “ i> added Balsfoort.
Source: EU Commission and the World Fishing & Aquaculture