EUFA has expressed its appreciation of both an opportunity for a frank and constructive exchange with Michel Barnier, and his unwavering commitment to achieving a balanced Brexit agreement that lays the foundations for a strong future relationship.
The European Fisheries Alliance (EUFA), representing fishermen in nine coastal nations that can expect to be affected by the UK exit from the European Union, and Michel Barnier reiterated that only a strong link between fisheries and the wider trade relationship can do justice to the complex reality of the fisheries sector.
‘Given our natural interdependence, co-operation on the basis of mutual access to waters, fisheries resources, and markets is the only way forward to ensure continued sustainable fishing and the prosperity of all fleets,’ EUFA stated, adding that given the continued uncertainty in London, fishermen in the EU should be ready for all eventualities.
EUFA warns that if the UK leaves without an agreement and should this lead to disruption in access to fishing grounds that have been shared for centuries, the consequences will be grave. A challenge of this magnitude requires a determined and united response by the European Commission, the Member States and the fishing industry.
Michel Barnier outlined the ongoing efforts the Commission is making in this direction, while highlighting that any short-term effect of a disorderly withdrawal would set the tone for talks on the future EU-UK relationship.
‘We are grateful to Mr. Barnier for his continued support for the fishing industry and efforts to reach a balanced agreement. Legal uncertainty at sea will have grave consequences for the sustainability of fish stocks shared between the EU and UK and the economic future of all fleets fishing in the area. Weathering this storm will require a firm and united response by the industry, the European Commission and the Member States. European Unity, under the present leadership of Mr. Barnier will be paramount to achieve this,’ said EUFA chairman Gerard van Balsfoort.
‘Fishermen must not be left empty-handed or fall foul of short-term political goals. The current joint fisheries management framework is working and has greatly improved sustainability of the shared fish stocks. It is in our joint interest to uphold it until a new long-term framework is in place. We are convinced that we can continue to share fish, fishing grounds and markets after Brexit, to the benefit of all.’
The European Fisheries Alliance’s membership includes fishermen’s organisations from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden, representing more than 18,000 fishermen and 3500 vessels across the industry, with an annual turnover €20.7 billion.