The NPFMC has found new way to fix allocation disputes between the charter and commercial halibut fleets. Charter operators are not allowed to catch more fish but they will be allowed to lease halibut quota shares from commercial fishermen. The council moved forward with its plan and seek public review on this. The plan includes allocations for charter boats. It would impose gradually stricter regulations on charter operators if they exceeded their limits.
Rick Bierman, owner of charter Whales’ Eye Lodge on Shelter Island, told that the charters want to be allocated more fish. He added that the leasing option is an excuse to allocate us less fish. Charter boat operators were wary of relying on commercial fishermen, said Bierman. According to him when the prices are good there might be no quota to lease because fishermen would use it themselves.
Kathy Hansen, executive director of the Southeast Alaska Fishermen’s Alliance, said that the plan is useful for commercial fishermen as the charter boats are obviously going over their allocation. If the council approves the management plan then it will be forwarded to the National Marine Fisheries Service for review and possible adoption. It is said that the plan would likely be implemented no sooner than 2010.