Seafish, the MCA and the Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association have jointly funded the damage control course and any skipper of a vessel under 16.5m who attends this course will receive a free damage control kit. It is told that Seafish is trialing a new course in 2009 to train fishermen in damage control. This course involves learning about the importance of regular vessel maintenance and the key steps that should be taken when fishing vessels start taking on water.
Seafish informed that twenty five skippers attended the first course, which was held at the Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club in Bridlington on 24 March, delivered by Yorkshire and Humber Fishermen’s Training Association. Each skipper who attended was given a damage control kit. Keir Day, Seafish Training Adviser, said that flooding onboard vessels is a big issue and statistics released by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) in 2009 show that 52 percent of all fishing vessel losses, as well as many onboard incidents, are caused by flooding. Many of these accidents occur on vessels under 12m. However, little is taught to fishermen on how to actually help prevent them from sinking once water has started to enter their vessel, says Keir Day.
According to Keir proper, regular maintenance can help to avoid accidents. But saving a vessel once it has started to flood comes down both to having knowledge of damage control measures and having the right equipment to hand. He added that the Seafish course addresses all of these issues and demonstrates how a fisherman might save his boat—indeed his life—if an incident occurs.
Keir also told that the this kit will help to keep you afloat’ and ‘Wear a life jacket to save your life’ the box contains key tools including a waterproof flashlight, a small axe and a small saw to cut wood and chop wedges, a screwdriver and a lump hammer to drive in wedges.