Fiskeribladet Fiskaren has written that the Norwegian freezer trawler Atlantic Star has set a new Norwegian record for the value of the total catch in 2011. Atlantic Star’s catch in 2011 was worth 115 mill. NOK.
What Fiskeribladet Fikskaren did not mention was that Atlantic Star is using Vónin Bacalao trawls. They have two Bacalao 630 mesh and one Bacalao 738 mesh. Atlantic Star’s trawls are in 155mm meshes, but these trawls can of course be produced in different mesh sizes.
The Skipper Heðin Joensen has expressed great satisfaction with these trawls and says that the Vónin Bacalao trawls are the best bottom trawls on the market.
“The workmanship is excellent and the design of the trawl has brought the wear and tear down to an absolute minimum. The Bacalao trawls also fish extremely well and they are very light to tow!”