Vónin has brought a new level of sophisticated construction to its trawl doors, bringing together five foils with the company’s patented flow booster, precisely managing and accelerating the flow of water through and past the doors’ surfaces to maximise lift.
‘These have been doing extremely well,’ said Vónin’s Frederik Hansen.
‘These are outstandingly powerful trawl doors. The experience has been that by switching to Tornado doors, users are able to drop 2 to 3 square metres in door size compared to their previous trawl doors. Tornado doors have proved to be equally effective in deep water on dispersed fish as well as fishing close to the surface on concentrated marks.
‘There is a lot of interest in these doors and skippers are very keen to try them out,’ he said.
The Tornado doors have been supplied to pelagic vessels ranging across the north Atlantic, including Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Shetland, Scotland and Vónin’s home market in the Faroe Islands.
‘These doors are very responsive, light and easy to tow, and the skippers report back to us that the main factor is that they get better lift with smaller doors, but also they are very stable in a turn and allow a faster, smaller turning circle, so they can manoeuvre easily on marks of fish,’ Frederik Hansen said.
‘The high-tech design process and the extensive testing that went into developing these Tornado doors has really paid off, as we have been able to come up with the exceptionally powerful, efficient trawl doors that the pelagic fleet had been waiting for.’