Uruguayan companies can resume fish and sea produce exports to the European Union as the EU officials announced the reopening of its market based on the reports from an EC delegation of experts which inspected Uruguayan fisheries companies at the beginning of May. On this note the European Commission authorities have congratulated the Uruguayan authorities and companies involved for efforts undertaken between November last year and May this year to adapt to EU sanitary and public health requirements.
In a press release the EC delegation in Uruguay said that as a consequence of the mentioned effort and the introduction of technical improvements, DINARA will renew the Uruguayan plants’ authorisation to export to the EU. It is said that before implementation the EU Member States must previously be consulted and a Public informative procedure must be carried out, which could take up to 30-working days.
William Hanna, the head of the EC delegation in Uruguay, opined that he was highly satisfied by the decision and the speed with which European authorities and the Uruguayans addressed and resolved the matter. Hanna pointed out that Uruguay has achieved speedy recovery of the export eligibility status which is a huge effort and which can be greatly attributed to the collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, DINARA, the Uruguayan companies involved, the EC Food and Veterinary Office inspections team and EC authorities.
It was last year when the EU had suspended three Uruguayan plants fish export rights to the EC markets after having detected inadequate sanitary conditions during a routine inspection.