It is informed that MEP seeks to open a dialogue with all organisations or individuals with a direct interest in the fishery. The certification body has invited public comments over the assessment process relevant to the status of the stock, ecosystem interactions or fishery management practices.
The location of the fishery is said to be NE Atlantic, ICES Subareas IV, VI and IIa. The fishing method used in the fishery is bottom trawl. The fishery is managed under the Common Fisheries Policy. ICES is the scientific authority. Decisions taken by EU Fisheries Council and the Norwegian government. Stakeholder participation via North Sea RAC.
The main commercial market for the UK Fisheries saithe is France. The assessment process is expected to take 10 months and is scheduled for completion in or around June 2010. The target eligibility date for this fishery is June 2010. The MSC ecolabel can only be applied to product from certified fisheries. The MSC program does allow, in certain circumstances and within strict traceability requirements, the MSC ecolabel to be applied following certification to product caught before the actual date of certification. The target eligibility date therefore represents the date from which products may become eligible to carry the MSC ecolabel, however they cannot be sold until and if the fishery is certified