Read more about the article Fisherman and trawl reunited
Tor Inge Larsen’s lost shrimp trawl being brought aboard clean-up vessel Liafjord. Image: Fiskeridirektoratet

Fisherman and trawl reunited

A shrimp trawl worth NoK200,000 (€20,150) retrieved during the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries’ latest clean-up cruise has been reunited with its owner, BrĂžnnĂžysund fisherman Tor Inge Larsen. He trawls for…

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Read more about the article Heavy penalties for pollution violations
Violations of waste discharge and bilge waste retention were discovered during a routine boarding, and resulted in $500,000 penalties for the owners and management of New Bedford scalloper Vila Nova do Corvo II. Image: USCG

Heavy penalties for pollution violations

  • Post category:Pollution

The owners, managers and skipper of a New Bedford fishing vessel have been handed penalties totalling more than half a million US dollars for infringements of pollution legislation. The New…

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Read more about the article Spanish tech company collects nets for recycling
Satcomms specialist Satlink has supported the collection of more than a hundred tonnes of waste fishing gear on the Chilean coastline

Spanish tech company collects nets for recycling

Satellite telecommmunications specialist Satlink has contributed, with recycling company Bureo Inc, to the collection of a hundred tonnes of fishing nets along the coast of Chile, through the Net100-Net +…

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Irish minister launches Clean Oceans Initiative

  • Post category:Economy

Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Michael Creed, has announced Ireland’s Clean Oceans Initiative and called for the participation of the entire Irish trawl fishing fleet in the scheme by 31st December 2019. His ambition is to have all Irish trawlers at every pier and every port actively participating in Ireland’s first co-ordinated initiative on land and at sea to collect, reduce and reuse marine litter and clean up our marine environment.

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Dutch fishermen’s cleanup initiative

  • Post category:Economy

One of the world’s biggest container ships lost 270 containers during heavy weather in the North Sea last week and the consequences are to be seen on Dutch beaches where a cleanup operation is in progress. In addition to the pollution problem, floating containers also present a significant hazard to navigation. Fishermen from the north of Holland have been playing a role in the aftermath of the container loss.

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