AFMA responds to Edgar et al. on Australian fishery stocks

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) rejects the claim that there have been rapid declines across Australian fish stocks with Commonwealth-managed fisheries that have been rigorously assessed as not being overfished. A research paper by Graham Edgar, Trevor Ward and Rick Stuart-Smith: Rapid declines across Australian fishery stocks indicate global sustainability targets will not be achieved without an expanded network of ‘noR08;fishing’ reserves.

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Markets access is essential, says Scottish Government report

New research suggests that Brexit could cause significant harm to Scotland’s seafood industries if the UK does not remain in the single market and the customs union. The study commissioned by the Scottish Government to understand possible impacts on the seafood sector examined hypothetical scenarios for the UK’s exit from the European Union including changes to fishing quota shares and the impact of different types of international trade on the industry.

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No western herring quota for Baltic fishermen

ICES has provided its advice to the European Commission (EC) to set the fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2019. Despite fishermen’s full compliance with the quotas proposed, a growing stock biomass and fishing pressure in line with scientific advice, the prospects for some stocks are not promising – including herring.

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